A Dream...

So long since my last post.. need to get this out somewhere so might as well...

Last night i had a dream.
I dreamt I was talking to you over the phone.

Then you met with an accident.
There was a huge crash and a scream.

I called up all the hospitals.. That's when i realized i knew so little about you.
Recep: "Patient's name?"
I told them yours.
Recep: "His age?"
I don't know. I'm really bad at numbers.
Recep: "His birthday?"
I don't know... I had an awkward urge to laugh. You probably don't care either.
Recep: "Hold on please..."

I found you.

By the time i rushed to the hospital.. your entire family was there.
I introduced myself as your friend.
They nodded.
I sat alone at the line of hard-backed waiting chairs, a little away from the rest of your family,
The lights in the hospital were really glaring. I glanced at my shoes... Time passed.

Your Mum: "Are you the girl who went kite flying with my son?"
I said yes.
Your Mum: "You can leave now. We'll be here to care for him."
I pleaded to stay.. "I'll leave the moment he wakes up.. He doesn't have to see me. Please let me stay for now."

Her footsteps shuffled away.
I bought coffee from the vending machine... They come in little white styrofoam cups.
I handed them out to your family, I had none.
I went back to the line of chairs.
I noticed your little nephew.. and remembered what he said to you the other day.
He's really cute.

Time passed.
You're lying on the hospital bed, struggling to breathe.
Your family's around you.
I stood alone at the corridor and willed you to open your eyes.

You are waking up.
I took a step forward, then remembering my promise, I turned to leave.

I woke up from the dream.
Simply opened my eyes and I'm back in my own bed.
My eyes hurt.
Another day...

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