
There goes Clementi's long-standing Pool + movie + Macdonalds... I'll miss it...

Studying at home now... watching the Sun as it disappears into the horizon. Looking at the blinking lights from the never-sleeping harbour. Listening to Emil's song on the lab top.

The bunch of mannequins Felice and I used for our MTV shoot, Take Me Away by Pangaea. Screening this Saturday, ADM, 2pm! Mannequins will be for sale and rental.. check back soon.

The sound from the passing traffic overwhelms the senses, not in the unpleasant way. I can smell the scent of pending rain, mixed with the sweet aroma of Nainai's cooking. The sky is plain, not boring though, and a sudden thought, Freedom lies ahead.

I wanna go sing K, watch hordes of movies and go Kukup after exams... sheesh...

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