
It's been a long while since I wrote anything in here...

It's been even longer since my last entry about a movie... so here you go... From my point of view:

Never has a movie been so aptly named. Never has a villain so twistedly portrayed. Never has a male lead so little close-ups...
Well... Never. But it's all happening now...
The late actor Heath Ledger gave a great, applause-winning, conscience-tugging, climax-pushing performance in his role as Joker - One of the most twisted fiend in the history of comics, and the best with his job as an anarchist of chaos (however chaotic that means). Fear and Anarchy are what his role inspired, The Joker is what he gave.
Christian Bale was charming... A sad, lone charming man. And he is really, really, really good at portraying that, and the cold, 'unbeatable' glimmer of hope for Gotham. He cuts a believable hero... Not a guy that's running green and amok in CG...
Other plus factors? A good stronghold of cast, nobody outshone who... everyone was there, in Gotham. Nearly 3 hours of adrenaline pumping action. Expertly written script (pretty well-structured given what the whole film is about...). Moments that stand out (shall not spoil this... I have mine, go watch for yours). Excellent sound design. Did I mention how the special effects actually look real? Oh, and best of all, it's better than Christopher Nolan's first. Do mind that some may find this film too overwhelming. It could mean both ways - good:It has much to say; bad: it was saying too much, how am I supposed to sit back, watch and relax? The answer is: You Don't. It's not a blockbuster that makes you feel good, walking out of the lightening theatre... It's a blockbuster alright, but it questions, reveals and probes... Look not at the screen for character development, Bruce Wayne is gonna be a stubborn, costume-wearing vigilante FULL-STOP. Joker will go back to Arkham... and he's probably gonna walk right out again...

Nooo... Look somewhere closer... somewhere like the mirror.

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